OPINION: Queenstown’s council has hypocritically pushed its way on to the overcrowded virtue express train 5 with its recent declaration of a climate emergency.
Urban New Zealand has leveled a lot of criticism over the fence at its rural neighbours, however as we see ongoing health warnings for Auckland’s beaches, its worth looking at who really respects our water and is getting off their chuff and doing something about it?
Congratulations to Labour and the Greens for wooing Winston and forming a new government. I’m picking the yoga lessons taken in opposition helped keep your hamstrings flexible enough to accommodate the bending required to meet Winston’s demands? While myself and 59 per cent of our electorate who voted for National will be disappointed, I appreciate equally there will also be many locals ecstatic with the outcome. One group that won’t be dancing a jig at the result are our foreign workers on temporary visas and those wishing to work their way towards residency and one day call themselves a Kiwi and eventually after a few more years a local in the Wakatipu. Another group equally unhappy will be those who employ them. I love the great outdoors, I’ve grown up immersed in what it has to offer and care greatly about its future and making sure the next generation is lucky enough to enjoy the scenic wonder and recreational pursuits that I’ve been fortunate enough to. While I’m passionate about the environment I don’t consider myself a greenie. OPINION: I was too young to enjoy John Clarke, aka Fred Dagg, in his heyday but like many Kiwis I’ve always felt a strong connection to his message of 'we don't know how lucky we are'. I’m not afraid of a bit of travel – I recently had a fantastic trip around Asia. However, I always appreciate coming home. That said I’m in a state of constant bafflement at those who seem ungrateful for the privilege of residing in the greatest country on earth. We live in an amazing part of the world. Queenstown's natural capital has been augmented over time by innovative and inspirational people, who had the courage and creativity to challenge the accepted norms.
On Friday I spoke in support of my less than glowing submission on the QLDC’s draft transport strategy.
I felt it lacked a vision for Queenstown, was not comprehensive enough and was more wishful thinking than reality. To sum it up for those who haven’t read it. A well intentioned QLDC meritoriously wants to take 20% of our vehicle movements and redistribute them to walking, biking and bussing by changing the rules around car parking. This will avoid the need to spend any money on roading infrastructure to after 2030 maybe even 2040.
In recent days there has been a mind blowing revelation unveiled to the blissfully unaware citizens of New Zealand.....
Apparently our government spies on people, other governments and we may even monitor some of our own citizens communications! WOW, Shock and Awe! This is bigger than Texas maybe even larger than Kim Dot Coms ego, this is a moment of truth on a grand scale akin to the time I found out there was sugar in Coke and KFC's Double Down burger wasn't going to be blessed with the Heart Foundation tick. I'd like to think like most Kiwi's I'm pretty green at heart. I hunt, fish, love the great outdoors and hope our natural landscape and all the elements I enjoy will be around for the next generation. We have been lucky to grow up in a country with such abundant recreational amenities provided by our natural landscape but also in a country which for the most part has provided us with first world health, education and standards of living. We have also grown up in a country with environmental choices due to our economic success. The trade off between leaving New Zealand as it was millennia ago and developing it for human habitation has resulted in a great wee country whose population of 4.5 millions Kiwi's punch well above their weight globally. In Politics as with life It's easy to make promises but a hell of a lot harder to keep them. Nationally the lolly scramble is in full flight and insults are being tossed around freely. Locally the politicians are out in force and the hoardings are up, complete with plenty of childishly scribbled satirical humour. That’s right, in case you have been living under a rock somewhere and not noticed, its election time!
Despite the plethora of tacky campaign adverts, stock standard election-year bickering and vote buying, it’s refreshingly easy to be distracted from the election hype, living in this unique part of the world. You only have to take a glance out the window at snow-dusted mountains – in November?! – to realise the insignificance of anything a government can do compared with the real forces that shape our world. |
AuthorMark Wilson TAGS
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